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Sunday, July 22, 2007

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (no spoilers here -- yet)


I was so scared that I'd be disappointed, so great were my expectations and excitement, but--


That was just the best book ever! Not many of my predictions came true, and even fewer came about the way I expected. After all the theories and predictions I've read (from logical to wild), all supported ferociously by canon sources...and not one of them came close! I'm surprised just how surprised I was, the whole way through. It was full of action and humor, and I all-out cried at least once. (Oh, Teddy!)

All I can say is that here is a world which we can hold up for our children as moral examples: the heroes in this series are true heroes. They are flawed human beings, yes, but they show incredible moral fortitude in the face of danger. Harry is much like Frodo; I feel immense sympathy for him and his journey and am more than a little impressed by his courage. Not so sure I could do it.

And if all those Potter-hating sheep-- er, I mean, fundamentalists-- ever actually read the series, I think they'd find Harry actually exemplifies much of the morality they claim to believe in.

Now that I know where Snape's allegiences lie and who dies and who lives... I'm off to give it another go. What else can I read now??


Meg_L said...

oh come on, you can learn to do magic by reading those books!!

Have you guys read Eragon yet?


Anonymous said...

I finished the book last night. Now it's John's turn!

I've never understood why HP was such a lightning rod with some religious groups. (C'mon - even the Vatican approves of Harry!) I actually see strong similiarities (spiritually) between J.K. Rowling and Christian fantasy writers like Madeline L'Engle and J.R.R. Tolkien. I think - as is often the case - it is a small minority of Fundamentalists making a lot of noise.

I actually read somewhere that Rowling was asked whether she was a satanist. (Huh?) She cooly replied, "No. You a lunatic."

I gotta agree. The best book ever.

Adesa said...

Big Bro is reading Eragon, and I've seen the movie, but have not yet read it myself. Can't say I ever heard of Twilight, though.

Meg_L said...

It's a very PG vampire story. Girl and a bunch of her friends love it.

Reading Eragon will show you why many people screamed when the movie came out. The movie is NOT the book.