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Monday, July 16, 2007

Seventh Grade Progress

Remember how Noah said he wanted to start school in June? His idea was 2 weeks on vacation, followed by two weeks of "school." And remember how I said "we'll see how long this lasts?"

Three days.

Yep, you read that right: three effing days. So much for his interest in getting a leg-up on his schoolwork this year. Not that I have a problem with his taking a summer vacation. Heck, no! I'm the unschooler around here, so I'd be fine with doing what we do all year round.

But I think that if you're going to set a goal, then you need to...oh, I don't on it, perhaps? Besides, he doesn't do much work (house, yard, or school) any other time of the year. What does he need a vacation from??!!

So all y'all who were impressed a few weeks ago can relax now. Noah is spending his summer doing all the things 13-year-old boys do: chat with buddies, have sleepovers, download music, and play Runescape 'til all hours.

Who says homeschoolers are weird?!

1 comment:

momof3feistykids said...

Three f-ing days? Hmmm ... it sounds like Noah and I might be secretly related. I am awesome at setting goals, and I suck at follow through. Still, I wouldn't be surprised if he gets back with the program, setting more goals for himself soon.

BTW, I notice we're both in Hufflepuff (with Paige). The 3 of us will have a lot of fun in the Common Room. :-P