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Homeboys' 'Hood
"Stepped out of the line, like a sheep runs from the herd; marching out of time, to my own beat now - the only way I know."
I'm a 30-something mama to two fantastic boys. We hang at home together, living and learning all we can. I love escaping into a good book when times get tough, going to the movies when I can afford it, and taking a Mom's Night Out whenever possible!
Noah, our older Homeboy, had a very magical birthday last year: he officially became a teenager. Noah digs hanging with his friends, playing guitar, fencing, and listening to music. He loves playing Runescape and spends much of his time doing so, though the guitar seems to have taken over as his favorite activity.
Noah has been learning at home since 1998. Though he attended a half-day kindergarten one year, he considers himself always-homeschooled and has no desire to attend a traditional school. He has recently become interested learning about American military history, playing the guitar, and Algebra. We'll see what he's into next week. ;o)
The Little Bro
Aengus, our 7 1/2 year old, is the quintessential boy. He's been using sticks as swords since he was 6 months old, and he's dying to take fencing classes with the Pops and Big Bro. He'll climb anything, jump from anywhere, and tackle anyone who lets him.
But he also loves anything cute and cuddly and soft, especially penguins. My money says he's the first to go vegetarian. If he actually hurt anyone he was "play fighting" with, he'd be heartbroken.
Aengus has never been to school and is totally self-taught. This means that he only recently learned his ABC's, but he also has taught himself addition and subtraction; basic multiplication concepts; how to make change; the earth's axis and its affect on the seasons, daylight, and weather; the migration habits of the African Swallow...you get the idea. All from TV, games, and play. He loves unschooling!
Cool video! Where did you find it?
I loved this video.
That is awesome!
Kelly K.
I "tagged" you for a meme, in case you're interested. :-)
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