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Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I'm Baaaack...

I've been blogging a LOT, just not here. ;o) I've been trying to log the boys' freeform learning according to school subjects over at Xanga , with a fair amount of regularity. But there are some topics that aren't relevant to that blog or that I don't want my mom reading. ;o) So I've kept this blog very separate, but that meant I didn't get over here much. That's about to change.

I've had many occasions over the last few months on which I'd had a lot of thoughts, but I never put them down. I'm on a mission to change that. I look forward to hearing from anyone who reads this, though I'm guessing my audience will be way low. I hope you all enjoy my ranting.



Anonymous said...

Rant away! :-)

Anonymous said...

that is the beauty of a feed reader. You can disappear for a little while, but when you come back we are still here!