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Friday, June 1, 2007

8 Things About Me

Ok, so what "things" are we talking about here? Things you should know, things you want to know, things you don't already know, or things I want you to know?

Well, there's "thing" number one: I over-analyze everything. Middle child that I am, I see all sides of everything, to my detriment. Tests were hell for me in school. Doesn't mean I'm not opinionated, though.

"Thing" number two: I'm a punk at heart.

Now, I'm not talking about the clothes and hair and music (though I dig all that). I'm talking about questioning authority. I tend to be a pain in most people's ass because I won't just do as I'm asked or told. I always ask, "Why?" or respond, "Make me!" I can't help it!! I don't like being told anything has to be; I see all the possibilities and pursue them when possible. It's some weird instinctive reaction to authority that I see growing in my sons. The audacity.

"Thing" number three: Met my hubby when I was 18. In a bar. Slept with him that first night. Illegal substances were involved. Moved in two weeks later. Been married 16 years.

"Thing" number four: I went on a two-month missionary trip to Ecuador as a teenager. Not a very interesting thing to know about me, unless you also know...

"Thing" number five: I'm not at all religious. Actually, I might even be anti-religion. I stay open to the idea of a god (after all, no one knows until they die what the truth is), and I respect other people's spiritual beliefs (even as I shake my head in disagreement). But religion -especially evangelical Christianity- riles up that punk in me. The childhood that led to all that is quite another post.

Number six: I'm bored with my sex life. Any suggestions? Just no silicon spatulas!

Number seven: I am a frustrated writer. Frustrated with myself, that is. I have confidence in my writing and feel motivated to turn it into a financial venture. Then I read what other "moms" have written or have accomplished, and it makes me wonder what the hell I was thinking. Confidence shot. Overwhelmed by the brilliance of other women or diminished by their sheer numbers, I withdraw into reading a good book instead of writing one. I'm working on this trait.

Number eight...hmmm. Lots of possible "things," none of them interesting. I love books (fiction) and movies (usually blockbusters) and "puttering" around the house (but not cleaning it). I'm dying to travel (I will see those castles and cathedrals in Europe before I die!), would love to build my dream house (who wouldn't?), and I wish we owned a boat (our row boat does NOT count). I miss the shopping and quaintness of my hometown but never want to leave my friends here. The things I love most are Harry Potter, my family, and my friends. I won't say in what order. ;o)

Not sure who to tag next, since I'm new to blogging and don't know many people. Sending this to Paige ( and Meg (


Meg_L said...

Hmm, I'll have to think about it. 8 things....

momof3feistykids said...

Some of the many things we have in common: #1, #2 & #7. ;-) Thanks for playing. I love reading everything you write.

Cerwydwyn said...

I love your blog so far. You offer a breath of fresh air--frankness, honesty, openness. I hope it's okay that I link you on my blog(s)? blog 1: Bettina's Garden (blech, why did I name it that?)tinaessert.blogspot etc...and nccrunchyhomeschool.blogspot...etc. The 2nd one is new and not too great so far and my posts, like my comments, tend to be tomes LOL.
Am referring a friend to help with your sex life ;) She's good.

Cerwydwyn said...

I love your blog so far. You offer a breath of fresh air--frankness, honesty, openness. I hope it's okay that I link you on my blog(s)? blog 1: Bettina's Garden (blech, why did I name it that?)tinaessert.blogspot etc...and nccrunchyhomeschool.blogspot...etc. The 2nd one is new and not too great so far and my posts, like my comments, tend to be tomes LOL.
Am referring a friend to help with your sex life ;) She's good.

Shelby said...

Woah, Adesa! *Big anime eyes* Thats pretty cool. Although *CoughCough* As you can guess I wouldn't know anything about #6 lol.
