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Saturday, June 23, 2007

~Sheepish Grin~

Well, shit. I've been snoopin' around the blogosphere a bit, and I'm shocked to find links to this blog in all kinds of crazy places. Nothin' like a little pressure, eh? I guess now that I know people are actually reading what I write, I should --oh, I don't know -- write something.

The thing is, I've had plenty to write about: Noah's best friend moving away for the summer, Aengus actually requesting a haircut, a good friend's family troubles, the *ahem* joy of having your spouse working from home, the complete suckiness of hormones, yada yada yada. And I've had plenty of time on the computer, to boot.

But I have repeatedly found myself playing Destruct-O-Match II on Neopets for my own entertainment instead of writing thought-provoking posts for yours. Call me selfish.

In two weeks I'll be seeing childhood friends for the first time in three years. But I have 10 more pounds to lose, and I'm getting hungry too late in the evening. So I'm shutting down for the night and going to bed, lest the fresh bread I baked wander into my mouth as I sit here. Or those cupcakes. Oooh, no, something salty. Do we have Helluva Good dip around here? Ack! I'm going to bed!

Thanks for checking in; I'll devote a proper amount of time to tomorrow's blog!


momof3feistykids said...

It's cool that people are already linking to your blog. You rock!

Meg_L said...

Hey, consider yourself tagged!