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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Restaurant Meme

Got tagged by Meg and I'm playin' along.
Here are the rules:

1. Link to name of person that tagged you.
2. Include state and country you live in.
3. List top 5 favorite local restaurants.
4. Tag 5 other people and let them know they’ve been tagged.

I'm in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia (has it ever been described as anything else?!). I rarely get to go out to eat, so my restaurant list is only partly from personal experience. My top 5 are:

1. The Little Grill - This is THE place to go for good food, great conversation, and frequent entertainment (open mic nights are especially fun). The place is actually a worker-owned collective, runs some fab-o special events, and opens up a soup kitchen every Monday night. To get a feel for the decorating and the clientele, just think "hippie."

2. Calhoun's - They have the best cheesy bread around. They're also a micro-brewery, so the beer's good. They used to have really good live music, too, but the neighbors got snippy. ;o(

3. The Olive Garden - OK, so we don't actually have a local Garden (are you really surprised I'm breaking the rules?), but there's one where we lived in Pennsylvania, and I loved it. Fresh bread and awesome salad, free wine tasting, lots of carbs and seafood and garlic...all my favorites!

4. Chili's - When I'm feeling a little Mexican, theirs is what I like. Just Mexican enough for me.

This is sad. The only other places I've eaten at locally I can't say I really cared for. So I'm going with hubby's opinion for the last one:

5. Ciro's Italian Restaurant - Excellent subs, apparently, especially the chicken cheesesteaks.

Thanks, Meg. I'm going now to rag on Jason for never taking me out.

1 comment:

Meg_L said...

Thanks for playing, but don't rag on Jason too much.