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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Attention, NBC

Your programming of the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing SUCKS ASS. Sure, you posted the schedule of all the fencing matches on your website. You got us all psyched up to watch it live, then you proceeded to broadcast soccer, field hockey and hand-fucking-ball instead.

We didn't complain (much) when you didn't broadcast the women's sabre (even though a homeschooler took the bronze and the US swept the event for the first time ever), because we thought for sure you'd show the men's events. We woke up early because your website said the quarterfinals would take place at 7:10am -- nothin' but handball. OK, we thought, semifinals at 7:20 -- nope, field hockey. Finals at 8am? Hah.

We've given up on you, NBC. You may advertise that you have the most complete coverage ever, but it still sucks. Why can't you, in two-thousand-frickin'-eight, make the events "on demand"? Why can't we go to our TV's menu, select a sport, then watch it? Why is this so difficult? My God, teenagers can download porn right to their phones while they're sitting in class, but do you think we can watch a little fencing?!

What is particularly sad is that your programming in general, NBC, has been on the slide ever since Friends went off the air. From the looks of your fall line-up, there isn't much hope for the near future, either. Your Olympics coverage was the one bright feather left on the Peacock... til you fucked it up.

So is the Peacock now bald... or is it just dead? If the team fencing isn't broadcast, I'm declaring a DNR on the bird and never coming back to the networks.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

LOL! Actually you can view it online on demand. I missed the woman's fencing live, but was able to find it online and watch Becca's match.

If you go online and search by date and sport you should be able to pull it up. I think that Becca's match was in the 3rd woman's fencing record listed (it was a bit hard to track down the exact one).

Adesa said...

Yeah, but this older Mac can't run the videos. I say CNBC gives up some of that paid programming they've got running UNTIL 4PM and put a few events on. Is that so much to ask? Sheesh. Maybe I can borrow Adam's phone and watch the vids on there -- he's got the new Instinct, and he can watch TV or browse the internet.

Anonymous said...

Really? Did you download the software from NBC? I had to download something before it ran on my Mac. Or is your Mac *that* old LOL!