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Saturday, August 9, 2008

No, Really!

Nothing like screaming about being "back," then disappearing for a month, eh?

Sorry, folks, just a few technical difficulties. It's called "buying a Toshiba laptop," and it can sink an internet experience faster than you can say "they even had to cut their warranties to just 6 months."

But I'm not bitter.

Luckily, I have many wonderful, generous people in my life. I had several offers for computer donations and am currently blogging from my first-ever iMac.

I'm still not sure in what ways a Mac differs from a PC. So far, I've found the differences to be pretty subtle, along the lines of what you might find when comparing different versions of the same Windows program.

But none -- NONE -- of my software is compatible with this machine. Erg. What we sacrifice for our children, eh? Because you see, we took our friend up on her offer for the Mac because Noah can now download Apple's Garage Band, the music editing software that musicians everywhere claim is da shit. Here's hoping it's all they say it is.


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